
Sustainable tillage for the future

Soil Carbon Sequestration



Current agricultural land management can be described as follows:

– we are dragging irons in the ground,
– using the energy of the power machine, i.e. fossil energy,
– the erosion of the soil surface increases,
– significant root system degradation, CO2 emissions from soils,
– the humus content of soils is reduced,
– Reduction in soil structure (friability),
– decreases water capacity,
– slowing down natural nutrient uptake,

According to the World Resources Institute (Climate Watch, 2020) “Agricultural soils are net emitters of CO2!” The fight against anthropogenic climate change can only be successful if we are able to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Our goal - A new approach

Do something else, do it differently!

Our aim is to restore soil and sequester CO₂, which not only protects agriculture but also the climate.

Restored circulation of water in the soil, which can absorb large amounts of rainfall, helping the root system of plants to develop.

Covering the stems and root residues with mulch, using the carbon content mainly for humus formation, thus increasing the carbon dioxide and methane content of the air to a lesser extent than with conventional cultivation methods.

Capture 2-4 tonnes of CO2 per hectare. Cultivating Hungarian farmland with this machinery alone would release 8-18 million tonnes of atmospheric CO2 into the soil every year.

The production of CO2 quotas should generate additional revenue for farmers.

Meet the team!

Tibor Enyingi

engineer biologist, inventor

Sándor Prágai

economist, financial area

Péter Sándor Pakai

Effix-Marketing Kft.

Dr. László Potyondi








The structure of the soil layers remains intact

Gentle, lateral soil loosening

Plant stems remain on the soil after harvesting, protecting the soil from erosion and promoting humus formation

Prevents soil compaction

Reduces tractor compaction due to fewer operations



Káta-CNC Kft.

The company was founded in November 1997 as a supplier to the automotive industry, with 25 employees and 10 CNC machines. The main profile of the company was the production of aluminium connectors for the air conditioning system of cars, which was complemented by the production of bodywork components and safety components.
The company is based in Szentlőrinckata, 70 km from Budapest, in Pest County, in a 10 000 m² plant, where most of the production is now carried out. In addition, the company has capacity in two further halls in Jászberény, one of 4000 m² and one of 3300 m².
Its main activities are:
Metal machining, laser cutting, metal forming, metal surface treatment, production of components for road vehicles and vehicle engines (CNC machining, assembly, stamping, welding).

Commerce - Target groups

With TerraSyst’s innovative solutions, we help different agricultural actors to achieve sustainable development and efficient production.

Hungarian and European markets

Medium- and large-scale farms, organic and ecological farms, farms producing special crops, agricultural service providers.

Global markets

Regenerative and organic agricultural operators, multinational agricultural companies, beneficiaries of climate adaptation programmes.

Medium-sized farms

Those that are in the process of expansion or wish to move towards sustainable management.

Large-scale arable crop producers

Farms over 500 hectares that want to optimise their tillage costs and the life of their machinery.

Large multinational agricultural companies

which have farming units in different regions and are interested in cost-effective, sustainable soil management solutions.

Organic and ecological farms

with agricultural land of different sizes.

Farms practising regenerative agriculture

which focus on restoring and maintaining soil fertility.

Livestock farms

where self-owned arable land is used for fodder production.

Farmers growing special crops

e.g. orchards, vineyards, nurseries, biogas plants, where soil conservation and water retention are key

Mezőgazdasági szolgáltatók és gépkölcsönzők

Agricultural service providers and machinery rental


Root to soil, straw to soil.

Tibor Enyingi 

Sustainability and Impact

Terrasyst technology is different from conventional no-tillage systems. It enables more efficient tillage and significantly reduces fuel consumption.

It uses kinetic energy and gravitational energy for soil loosening, reducing fossil energy demand by at least 60%. The remaining fossil energy demand can be easily replaced by renewable energy. The higher organic matter content requires less fertiliser use. This will help to meet EU climate and soil protection targets more easily, improve soil quality and increase yields.

The impact of the technology is perfectly suited to the agricultural needs of the future:

  1. A significant reduction in climate gas emissions.
  2. Increase biodiversity.
  3. Reducing soil erosion.
  4. Reducing soil and surface water pollution.
  5. Reduction of soil pollution and soil degradation.



Contact details of the development team

Tibor Enyingi innovation, technology enyingitibor@gmail.com

Sándor Prágai Innovation, Finance pragaisandor@gmail.com

Dr. László Potyondi innovation, studies laszlo.potyondi@beta-kutato.hu

Péter Sándor Pakai market introduction, marketing info@effixmarketing.eu